Officially an uni student since 30th May 2011__
Uni life really not good as i expected__
But no choice, I have to cope with it~
Please give me some motivation to study hard on every subjects, I dont want extend my foundation year TT
Some changes occur around this few week__
Bi started his life to work as a financial planner, sound nice right? haha~
The time he spend on me definity will be lesser, last time really not used to it, but now better..
I have to be more independent because i almost reach 18years old ad__
Feel like cannot always stick to bi, too rely him will become his burden...
I do not want to be the second "ROSE" that susanne mentioned...
Honestly, I hate his new friends in uni, but I will not block he makes friends with anyone, i have no right to do that__
Arghhh, really have to enlarge my social circle in uni__
It is hard for me to find people join me to do group assignment...
Is my fate to be alone???
我不温柔、我脾气不好、我容易吃醋、我容易心痛、我容易胡思乱想、我很任性、我生气时不想说话、我开心了会一直傻笑、我受委屈会放在心里、我在乎了就想被你知道、我喜欢在伤心的时候听伤心的歌 、我喜欢在开心的时候和在乎的人分享。